Thursday, May 9, 2013

Evening Adventures

First off, let me say that my husband tried to take me hiking through logging country this evening... I had my new tennis shoes on and it was a swamp. I stomped back to the truck and refused to go on his wonderful nature walk he had planned!
(Yes, I acted like a drama queen for once)

On to the next stop, the reservoir that's less than one mile from my house (where I've lived for nearly 7 years) yet I had never been to this place. It's beautiful and so secluded.

No need in wasting space with a buncha words... on to the photos =)

Blurry but sweet. When did she become a big girl?! Seriously =(

Miley loved letting the wind blow through her lovely locks of hair!

Got in a good leg workout by climbing this monstrous hill... loved every second of it.

Ta-Da! The reservoir!
I couldn't believe it was so beautiful and I had never seen it.

I'm becoming a nature lover.
I can't believe that either.

Seen a tiny little snake on my walk... the picture obviously makes it look bigger but it's really not. I thought about stomping it's head because I kinda thought it was a copperhead or something... but I had those new tennis shoes on =)

I love how this app encourages me and tells me good job =)

Me & my handsome feller

It's almost FRIDAY folks, have a good one!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


It doesn't exist, okay?

Sometimes a girl needs some chocolate.
Sometimes a girl needs a break from her exercise routine.
Sometimes a girl needs a roll at O'Charleys.


The scale is still going to move. The world is still going to turn. And you're not going to gain all 25 pounds back by eating one piece of birthday cake. 


If I never allowed myself to enjoy things that everyone else seems to be ABLE to enjoy, I would get sooo mad and give up. That's my personality - maybe it's not everyone's.

I'm done =)

The Nitty Gritty

Vacation is less than 3 weeks away.
My bathing suit came in the mail yesterday.
I'm surprisingly happy with the top part of it.
The bottom... One word: balloon.
I look like a helium inflated black balloon.


I keep telling myself that I've made so much progress.
This is true.
What if I hadn't lost that 25ish pounds already?
How much more horrible would I be feeling about myself?

I've learned one thing for sure... I can't look at myself during this process and think negative thoughts. Big no no.
That turns into me feeling horrible, hateful, and wanting to eat the house down.
That's where this has all gone down hill in the past.
The weight isn't going to fall off over night... Maybe not even over the course of a year! But regardless, I'm having to constantly remind myself that I'm a work in progress... Especially when I'm standing in the mirror, looking at myself in my bathing suit, wanting to crawl in a hole and never come out.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Easy Fajitas!

I'm all about a good mexican dish I can fix at home... but if it involves steak - count me out! I've accepted the fact that I'm no good at fixing steaks. Chad literally asks me NOT to fix steaks.
I have a feeling my fate with steaks is changin'.
(not even going to take credit for this idea - thanks mom)

Quick, easy, & semi-homeade.
Yes, yes, & yes.


Slice up some peppers, throw in the steak (just to heat it up), add a little seasoning & olive oil.

That's it!
Husband is gonna looooooove this =)

Sunday, May 5, 2013


So if you've kept up with my last few posts, you'll know that my weight had plateaued and hadn't moved in about two weeks... THANK goodness, that's finally changed.

I knew that my food choices weren't the reason for not losing weight so my only other option was to add in some exercise - consistently!

I started walking last week - trying to do 1-2 miles each day. That's nothing extreme I know, but it's a good start for me. 2 miles a day is my goal for each day but some days Ava or the weather doesn't cooperate and I can only get a mile in.

I weighed this morning and the scale has dropped 3 lbs since last week! I'm soooo happy with that =)

So for anyone who is stuck at a plateau, get up and start exercising!!

By the way, I started using this app called "Everybody Walk" and it's awesome. So very simple and basic but it tracks all that I want t to track... Calories, distance, time. Seeing those numbers move is big motivation for me to keep going when my legs are aching and I'm wanting to quit!