I haven't mentioned my husband on here very much but I thought maybe it's about time I did! He is such a big part of my life, and pretty much ALWAYS has been for as long as I can remember.
We started dating waaaaay back in 2001. Whoa!
We fell in love really fast. He was my first boyfriend ever and I was his first serious girlfriend. I was in 8th grade at the time and he was a Junior in high school. What was my mother thinking?! haha
Anyways, we were in love and had our entire lives planned together. Chad was going to go to college and pursue whatever career he had in mind in that moment (I can't even remember lol) and I was going to finish high school and then we would get married just after I graduated.
We went to prom together...
A few proms actually... =)
both grew up A LOT during the first 3 years we dated but when Chad
started college and I was a Junior in high school, we both realized we
both had much more growing up to do.
needed to mature separately... so that's what we did. We dated other
people and found out who we both were as individuals during that year
and a half - and I'm so glad we did. We didn't even stay in contact at all during the time we weren't together and I definitely never thought we would cross paths again.
Fast forward to February of 2006. I had just gotten out of a relationship and Chad had just gotten into a new relationship. What timing we had! BUT you can't stop fate (lol how corny!).
We had been apart for so long and we had both completely changed since we had seen each other last. Sparks flew, angels sang, and blah blah blah.
We were Taryn & Chad again!
I was getting ready to graduate high school at the time so we had one last prom to attend =)
Long story short, we fell in love all over again in the following months... I found out I was pregnant, graduated high school and started planning our wedding.
In most cases, this wouldn't be an ideal situation but we had a long history together. We both believe that everything happens for a reason.
We went to the Bahamas in June, right before our wedding in July.
We obviously like to do things backwards so this was our pre-honeymoon!
So young & cute ;)
We heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time that July...
He's such a slouch and always makes me look like even more of a giant than I already am. Ugh.
On July 1, 2006 we got married. It was such a happy (&hot) day!
How could I leave this picture out??
We dressed up for Halloween the year I was pregnant. He was Flav A Flav... and I was obviously a Nun. Pregnant gals just don't have a lot of options =)
This is us a few years back on a weekend getaway in Tennessee. Looking at this picture makes me smile because I remember how happy we were just spending time together. I also smile because I can't wait for my face to be this skinny again =))))
Sweaty & cute, right?! We were grilling out and it was mid-summer so it was HAWT!
I love this fella so much.
We've had such a bumpy ride getting to where we are today but I wouldn't change a single thing... and I know that he wouldn't either. Everything we have faced, we've done so together - through thick (literally) and thin (hopefully, in the near future! haha). The things we have gone through at such young ages have made us who we are now and I'm so proud of how far we've come.