Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Little changes...

Note to self: STOP eating JUNK. Food doesn't have to be a negative thing.

Food. Food. Food.

It's always been so important to me, I guess. It comforts, it relaxes, it doesn't talk back... Okay just kidding with that last one. 

You get together with friends or family - food is involved.
Date night - gotta eat somewhere!
Special occasion - food in your face!

I know that the way I look at food is my underlying problem. 

It's easy for me to admit to this right now because I haven't stuck to much of any diet for the last week. I've had a crazy busy week/weekend and good food choices have been the last thing on my mind. The quickest & easiest things have been what I've resorted too - mainly McD's McGriddles, numerous Redbulls & Starbucks Caramel Macchiato... and maybe a cake pop or three.

BUT these moments when I'm rushed and on the go is when I should really try to have a level head about what I'm choosing to put into my body.

So tomorrow isn't Monday, but it's Wednesday (don't expect a weigh in wednesday post from me!) and I'm getting things back in order first thing in the morning. BIG thanks to {{Lori}} for my boost of motivation tonight =)

Did I mention I'm an Aunt now?! He's so perfect.


  1. :) We'll have to try and motivate each other.

  2. I have had the same problem. We've been running here and there and I've been sick so healthy cooking and eating has not been #1 this past week. I have got to do better!
