Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday Randoms

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to my little handful of readers!

I have been so encouraged throughout the last few days by the sweet comments you all have left for me and just cannot say thank you enough =)

Sometimes its really easy for me to lose sight of my goals.... especially when I know those goals are hundreds of pounds away! Today was one of those days for me. 

I started out strong! I had a really healthy & filling breakfast after I dropped Ava off at school.
1/2 cup of oatmeal, splenda, dash of vanilla, banana w/ cinnamon on top = my favorite!
 When I got to work, I marched upstairs with my little packet of Splenda and had my coffee. My day was going great! I just knew that I would stick it out without any bumps in the road.

Lunch time came... by 1pm I was StArViNg! But I had already made my mind up that I was going to have a filling yet healthy lunch. I heated up my chicken noodle soup & fixed a PB2 (which really isn't all that bad!) sandwich on the side.

Tuesday evenings = ballet night with two wild 6 year olds... YEP!

Rush to London.
{Justin Bieber blaring the entire way}

Down pour of sideways rain.

Get the girls inside & get their ballet shoes on.

Back to my car 
-still sideways rain- 

Sit for 30 minutes while the girls dance their hearts out.

30 minutes is up - time to go back inside to get the girls.
-still sideways rain-

Walk in the door as all of the other prim & proper Moms in their high heels look at me as I adjust my cardigan because the wind blew it nearly inside out... all while trying to smooth my hair down since the rain has it half wet and matted to my head. 

Calm, cool, & collected- that's me for sure.

And yes, I have an umbrella in my car - two of them actually.
 but WHO has enough hands to carry car keys, two winter coats, and two pair of winter boots AND an umbrella?! Not me.

Long story short, Tuesdays not only means ballet night. It also means McDonald's Happy Meal night for these wild rascals. Ballet night would not be the same without a happy meal. Seriously, we can't even venture out for some Wendys. Mickey D's ONLY.

So we rush and get Happy Meals. McDonald's isn't something I ever crave so it's super easy for me to stop by there without wanting to order anything.
Husband calls and wants everything on the Taco Bell menu so that's my next stop... and also where my day of healthy eating goes out the door.

 I have an unhealthy obsession with Taco Bell's Crunchwrap Supreme, okay?
It's soft... but it's crunchy!
 It's cheesy... but it's salty!
It has delicious tomatoes and sour cream and...

And while I'm at it - those cheesy fiesta potatoes were the bomb dot com, too =)

Day ruined. Adios.

Just kidding... I find myself doing this a lot whenever I start watching my weight and trying to make better food choices. IF I allow myself to have an option of eating good things vs. bad things - rough and busy days are going to make it so much easier for me to choose the quickest, unhealthiest food option.

It's a MUST for me to plan ahead... especially with my meals. 

Lesson learned. Adios - for real.


  1. Girl, you've got this!!!

  2. You should really try myfittnesspal.com
    It allows you have so many calories a day. You put in your height and weight and then there is an app for your phone. You can type your meals in as soon as you eat them or check them before you eat what you want and it tells you how much more you can have the rest of the day. Hope this helps. It's amazing you're stepping out of your comfort zone to do this. Good luck and many prayers for those struggling days. :)

  3. If I don't plan ahead I always end up grabbing fast food or something that is not healthy. It is just too handy to shoot through a drive thru. And I LOVE me some crunch wrap supreme too!:)
