Friday, April 5, 2013

Advocare Grocery Shopping

Another grocery blog... blah, blah, blah! Maybe someone can appreciate these though. On Monday I plan to start the Advocare 24 day challenge which focuses on getting the toxins and bad stuff out of your body and learning to put good stuff in. 

I thought I could benefit from this for a number of reasons...

1. I need motivation. If this boosts my metabolism and helps me shed some pounds it will all be worth it.

2. My life has revolved around food for most of my life... unhealthy food. I need to re-learn how to enjoy food - by getting the nutrients I need from food rather than just a good feeling from cake & fats =)

3. The word diet has been thrown around my entire life... Eat less. Count calories. Watch your carbs. Etc. I want to change my lifestyle that revolved around food - not just diet... how generic, right? But seriously, I want to eat good food and feel GOOD because I'm putting good food into my body.

So I'm still learning about Advocare and all of the food restrictions during the first 10 days of the cleanse but here are a few items I picked up tonight that I hadn't bought before.

 Sorry for the glare. 
I know that one of the restrictions during the challenge is your salt intake. Sea salt is an exception - it's natural so this is perfect for those who love salt.

I'm positive these are a BIG no-no for the first 10 days of the cleanse... but on day 11 you better believe I'll be eating these baby's. I tried a little bite of one and ohhh emmmm geeee. Mmm!

"Keen-Wah" is how this is pronounced =)
I'm not sure what to do with this... I'll let ya know though.

Why did I never know how wonderful these frozen fruits were to eat just plain? I've read that during the challenge, you want to eat foods that are in there most natural form or as close to it as possible. These fruits have been picked and frozen. No extra juices or sugars so they're perfect for the cleanse!

I've recently fallen in love with hummus and that's totally allowed on the cleanse, thank goodness! I tried this one tonight with carrots because I hadn't had this specific kind before and it's wonderful. Great flavor!

Next week, I'm planning on going into much greater detail about the entire Advocare challenge as I learn more about it so stay tuned!

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