Thursday, April 4, 2013

What's in your purse?!

Today (tonight actually... I'm a little late!) I'm doing my very first link up... although I'm not entirely sure I'm doing it correctly. I follow Erin over at {{She's a Big Star}} and when I seen that she was doing a "What's in your purse?" linkup, I knew I had to do it! Call me nerdy but I think things like this are so FUN!

So, without further ado... my purse =)

This is my pride & joy. My very first Fossil. My baby... you get the picture. I found this on sale last fall and promised my husband that it could be my Christmas/Valentine's/Birthday gift if he would just please let me get it! The color is neutral so it goes with everything... and it's just a beaut =)

My Tommy Hilfiger wallet that I've had for two-ish years. I was about to graduate college at the time I purchased it and thought I needed an "adult" wallet... rather than my Vera Bradley's I had carried in the previous 5+ years so I ended up with this little granny.

A girl can never be too prepared right?! These have obviously been thrown into my purse and forgotten about... maybe I'll put them to use soon. Maybe not.

Essentials... errr, kinda.
Maybe I have a small obsession with lip balms & such being that I have a variety floating around in my purse?
Systane eyedrops for those rare occasions when I wear my contacts.
Allergy meds... my eyes water horribly and this stuff works wonders!
Burt's Bees cuticle cream... that stuff does nothing but make your hands greasy. Ew. I got it for free in a kit and it found it's way to the bottom of my purse. I think I'll throw it away now...

Looks like a good time to clean my purse out, aye? Wads of receipts and grocery lists...

The boring stuff. Bills, mail, planner that never gets used, checkbooks.

Randoms. Loose change, expired coupons, Ava's junk, pens, and empty gum wrappers.

The End.


  1. You're totally not a nerd... link-ups are fun! I love your wallet... super cute!
